TU, Sep 2017
Asif I. Baba (PhD)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
College of Engineering
Discovery Park
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Office: Rm. 107
Tel: 1 - 334-727-8229
Fax: 1 - 334-724-4389

TU, Sep 2017


  • Received Outstanding Faculty Award in Research 2019-20 Collage of Bussiness and Information Science, TU).
  • Our paper Path-based opportunistic forwarding in disconnected industrial environment will appear in the , Vehicular Communications (Elsevier), 2020.
  • NSF awarded me grant for Indoor Moving Object Trajectory Generation And Query Evaluation. Grateful for the generous support from NSF!.
  • Invited to serve on PC of ACM SouthEast Conference (ACM SE) 2021.
  • Proctor and Gamble awarded me a grant for Internet Of Things Education. Greatful for the generous support from P&G!
  • Our paper A Naive Time of Flight Ranging Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks will appear in the Int. J. of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2020


I am an Associate Professor (clinical) at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, at University of North Texas (UNT). Previosuly, I worked at Tuskegee University (TU). I obtained my PhD degree from the Center for Data-intensive Systems (Daisy), Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University Denmark. Before that, I received my Masters in Technologies in E-Government from , University of Trento, Italy and Masters in Computer Science and Engineering from Chalmers Technology University, Sweden .

Research Interests

  • Indoor space positioning and tracking Data management
  • Location-based Services(LBS)
  • Spatial and Temporal Data Management
  • Internet of Things Security and Privacy
  • Blockchain applications

Publications( Full list )

  1. Aaqib Bashir Asif Iqbal Baba, Aaqib lone, Roohie Naz and Fan Wu, Blockchain Driven Access Control Mechanisms, Models and Frameworks. In IEEE Access 2020. (in review)

  2. Saad Kabbaj, Anis Ur Rahman, Asad Waqar Malik Asif Iqbal Baba and Sri Devi Ravana, Path-based opportunistic forwarding in disconnected industrial environment. In Vehicular Communications (Elsevier) 2020.

  3. Asif Iqbal Baba, Fan Wu and Tanvir Ahmed, A Naive Time of Flight Ranging Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Int. J. of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 2020.

  4. Aakif Mufti Asif Iqbal Baba and javaid Y. Ahmed, Application Specific Drone Simulators: Recent Advances and Challenges. In international Journal of Simulation modelling Practice and Theory (Elsevier) , 2019.

  5. Asif Iqbal Baba, Hua Lu, Torben Bach Pedersen and Manfred Jaeger. Cleansing Indoor RFID Tracking Data. In ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information 2017.

  6. Asif Iqbal Baba, Removing Object Bouncing from RFID-based Object Tracking Data. In Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference Featuring Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Computing (ACM SE 2017) Atlanta, USA, 2017.

  7. Asif Iqbal Baba, Hua Lu, Wei-Shinn Ku and Torben Bach Pedersen. Cleansing Indoor RFID Using Regular Expressions. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2016) San Francisco, USA, 2016.

  8. Asif Iqbal Baba, Manfred Jaeger, Hua Lu, Torben Bach Pedersen, Wei-Shinn Ku and Xike Xie. Learning-Based cleansing for indoor RFID data. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD 2016) San Francisco, USA, 2016.


  • BagTrack Objective of this project is to build a global IT solution to support baggage handling process. Goal is to bring down baggage mishandling in aviation industry.
  • SAMEE (Schneider Electric)
  • Project aim was to use wireless sensor technology in efficient thermal diagnostics.
  • SERENITY(FP6 IST-27587)
  • Project aim was to provide security and dependability in Ambient Intelligence systems (AmI)
  • CRUISE (FP6 NoE -IST-4-027738)
  • European Network of Excellence which intends to be a focal point in the planning and coordination of research on communication and application aspects of wireless sensor networking in Europe.

Teaching Experience

  • Project Supervisor for Bachelor Students in Computer Science and Software (DAT6/SW6), and IT (BAIT4), Spring 2013, Aalborg University
  • Project Supervisor for Bachelor Students in Software (SW3), Autumn 2012, Aalborg University
  • Supervisor for Bachelor Students in Computer Science and Software (DAT6/SW6), and IT (BAIT4) Spring 2012, Aalborg University

  • Useful Information

  • Datasets
  • Data Management Groups
  • Useful Links

  • Last Updates: September, 2017